
Silent Saturday

Sat, 26 May 2018
from 9:00am to 12:00pm

by Fritz Woller
Posted: almost 6 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Sydney
Reminder: Starting time
Ends: 12:00pm (duration is about 3 hours)

Gresford Vacy FC proudly supports Northern NSW Football’s Silent Saturday initiative this Saturday, 26 May 2018.

We encourage all Spectators, Coaches and Managers to “Keep Quiet” and “Just let the kids play”.

This initiative covers all MiniRoos age groups (5-11) with the aim of just letting the kids play and have fun without having to worry about how their performance is affecting the adults on the sidelines.

The objectives of holding a “Silent Saturday” are:
- To re-emphasise that the game is for the players and allowing the kids to simply play and have fun.
- To give the players a chance to play, learn and enjoy the game on their own.
- To completely eliminate the verbal questioning of the Referees’ decisions and/or ability.
- To reaffirm to Parents and Coaches that players do not need constant direction to enjoy their match.

Spectators are advised to refrain from making any verbal comments on the game or direct any comments to the Players, Referees or Coaches – on or off the field.

Clapping is of course allowed and you are encouraged to be creative in how you choose to cheer you child’s team – make signs to hold up, bring a scarf in the team’s colour and wave it wildly, there are lots of ways to cheer other than verbally.


Gresford Sporting Complex

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